water temperature: also went up, almost to 80º
currents: from mild to ripping
surface conditions: we had to cancel 1 day because of high surge...
And from one day to another we had courses going. And it was a great course. The conditions improved by the day, but during the whole course we met all different kind of waters: 'cold' and warm, with low (30 feet) and good (60 feet!) visibility, with mild and strong currents and easy and difficult surface conditions. The day we were going to do the confined water skills (shallow water), had to be postponed: exactly that day the surge was enormous! But hé, in the end we managed just fine and beyond fine. We are 5 very good open water divers richer in the area. Congratulations Leonardo, Jacqueline, Jesus, Miguel and Edgar... and now, keep diving!
The dives, especially the last two were great: the first dive in El Cantil was beautiful, clear, blue and warm as it should be in summer. The second dive in El Bajo was a bit less in visibility and there were some thermoclines, but the amount of life was enormous in both dives. You should have seen the faces of the local fisherman... The unbelief in their eyes. So many grouper and so big, so many snapper, also very big, the amount of jacks, morays and the pork fish, so close. The creole fish all over the place and the goat fish too...
For sure, they are going to come back and I'm almost sure that the under water summer at last is arriving...
Life is beautiful! You just have to come over to Cabo Pulmo and enjoy it with us... I tell you, it's worth the trip triple.