29 December 2009

Happy winter times...

visibility: the visibility has been like a Xmas present, about 35 feet
water temperature:
the temperature is still nice for winter: around 73ยบ
hardly any, with wind a bit on the surface, down non to speak off
surface conditions:
in the afternoon an increasing wind and some waves

It's nice to be diving
between Christmas and New Year, winter, but in still summer conditions. Okay, temperature and visibility are both dropping but it is still nice. Strange that in the winter it's raining (and quit strong indeed), but the good thing is that it pushes the waves down. Not too much light though, under water, but great dives anyway.
Highlight yesterday was the interaction of snapper (yellow and yellow tail snapper close to the bottom and the dog snapper in mid water) and a hunting sea lion. The approaching hunter sent a shock wave through the schooling fish and scared them in all directions, mainly in our direction. Beautiful to see them coming at you, being followed by this sea lion, looking for a bite and being surprised with our presence... He hang around a bit more to check us out and then left us for what we are, visitors of the aquarium of the world...
Also we dived with Amy, her second dive on the reef... she loved it, and Deb, who finished an open water diver course and is now certified; congratulations and a lot of diving fun and fun diving in your new life...

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